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Don't push a shy kid too hard. Learn to build his trust and confidence.
Source: Photo by Ernst Vikne/Flickr
a blog about my thoughts, my knowledge, my interests, and snippets of my personal life
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Dealing with Shy Children
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
My Very First Blog Award
On September 4, 2011, I was given the Liebster Blog award by my blogger friend Judy (Thank you, Judy!). She is the author of the blog Judy H-J's Thoughts - A Twinless Twin. "Liebster' is a German word meaning favorite. I wasn't able to pass this award on immediately as many of the blogs I was following then have already many followers. The rules, however, are simple, once you receive this award you must:
- pass this on to three of your favorite blogs
- these blogs should have less than 200 followers
- let them know about the award
- link back to the blog who gave you the award
Now that I've been a little more active around Blogger, I had encountered several great blogs and these three are among my favorite (drum roll please!):
Congratulations on the award! May this award be a great source of motivation in your blogging experience in the same way it has motivated me! Have a nice day.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Freebies, Spyware, and EULAlyzer
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Photo by Idea go via freedigitalphotos |
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Learning Mandarin the Hard Way
As you can see in my bio page, I am from the Philippines. However, my
grandparents are Chinese expatriates who came over the country to settle
down. Both of my parents were born in the Philippines. In other words, I
am a Filipino with Chinese blood flowing through my veins. But just
like most Chinese-Filipino my age, I am very accustomed with the
country’s culture, norms, and language. Sadly, the Chinese culture is
becoming lost within my generation. Chinese-Filipino at this age tend to
embrace this culture less and prefer Western culture. It is quite
unusual to find a Chinese-Filipino of my generation very fluent with our
ancestor’s mother tongue. (Read full Article on Everything Chinese.)
Friday, November 11, 2011
Understanding People: Personality Types Explained
Our world would be a dull place without the different personality types. |
When I was young, I used to hang out in a relative’s house. Inside his room was a large collection of books – about a variety of topics – from thriller novels to sci-fi novels, from manga to self-help books, from computers to business books. My favorites were those belonging to the topic of psychology. My twin and I were free to pick any book of our choice and bring them home to read. I’d chosen a book about personality. It had caught my attention since I’d always wanted to read and understand people. (Read full article on Let's Talk About People.)
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Skincare Product Ingredients that Won't Clog Pores
I have an acne-prone skin and a very oily face. I guess it runs in the family. In the morning after washing my face, my skin becomes rejuvenated, clean, and glowing. However, as soon as midday arrives, my face starts to become very shiny. The sebum that appears of course makes my skin even more prone to acne breakouts.
We all need to follow a skin regimen to maintain a healthy and beautiful skin. However, using the wrong products would only exacerbate skin problems and would lead to more breakouts. Here are some pointers regarding choosing the right skincare products for oily skin. - Serious Skin Care Blog: Skincare Product Ingredients that Won't Clog Pores
Monday, November 07, 2011
Staying Connected with Facebook while Keeping Out the Annoying Stuffs
Do you have a Facebook account? I do. Do you feel like deleting your account? I do. There are some reasons why I want to delete it. First, I don't see why should I stay updated to the life events of my several hundred Facebook friends. Most of them are after all, not personally close to me. Facebook has been a platform where people share things, be it through statuses or photos, that I don't really care about. Chances are, you also feel the same way with me. Why would it matter to you where your schoolmates work or how much they are earning? Why would you like to read statuses filled with hatred about someone or something, especially if you're never involved into the matter? Why would you also care to read statuses stating what someone eats for dinner or whom someone is with at the moment? Read Full Article.
How to Choose Your Sunscreen
It's summer already! Time to hit the beaches and have some outdoor fun. But beware of the sun. Don't forget one very crucial step to your skin regimen: applying sunscreen.
Sunscreen blocks the sun's harmful rays that damage the skin. Stores offer a wide range of sunscreen products and it might be confusing to us which products to choose. Here are some tips for choosing your sunscreen: (Click here to read the tips.)
Friday, November 04, 2011
My Blog's Recent Changes
As you can see, I've made some tweaks to my blog. I've added a few tabs just below the blog title that would lead you to my other blogs. I've created several blogs under different categories. They are still under construction. I'm in the process of moving my articles from Hubpages to Blogger. Below is a link about one Hubpages article I've moved to my Computer blog. If you're interested with technology, feel free to come back and check my Technology tab. I'll keep adding new articles from time to time.
Sunday, October 30, 2011
How to Save Money: Tips for Pinoy Shoppers
Hello there fellow Filipino shoppers! If you're living in Manila, you know that earning money could become very difficult. We work for long hours and yet get less than enough wages. The prices of products we consume are also regularly increasing. The times are becoming more and more difficult for us. It is therefore mandatory for all of us to know how to save our hard-earned money.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Simple Colds Could Lead to More Serious Illnesses
Our body has several lines of defenses against foreign matters. Getting colds could be considered a form of defense. Once you get colds, you sneeze, you get a runny nose, and you cough. Those are the body's natural ways to get rid of viruses and bacteria. However, when colds get neglected, it could become worse.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Eating at Eat-All-You-Can Restaurants
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Photo by healingdream via freedigitalphotos |
We’re not rich, but at least we could afford to eat out. I
love eating out. Our family is not so much into cooking. We have very busy
lifestyle and therefore our meals are always simple. Eating out every Sunday is
what I’m always looking forward to. This is one of our weekly activities as a
family – our bonding moments. We would go to the mall to shop around, buy
groceries, and pick a restaurant to eat at. Choosing a restaurant could be very
challenging. We try whatever food ignites our curiosity. If we love the food,
we would go back more often to that particular restaurant. Proceed to the full article.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Getting Over Google Adsense
As I have written in my previous post, my Adsense account
was disabled by Google on September 27, 2011 because according to them, I pose
a risk to their advertisers. As to how, I don’t know. They never gave me a
single evidence to support their claims. Since they suspect that I’m a threat,
they think it’s already enough reason to ban me. What’s worse, the money I have
earned over time went down into the drain. It is unfair because I’ve invested
my time and effort on my articles, yet, just because of a threat; they decided
to take the money from me just like that.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
MyLot: Another Way to Earn without Adsense
After getting banned by Google Adsense, I am starting to get
up on my feet again. I’ve been enjoying the website of Webanswers because
answering questions is a great exercise to my mind. I’ve also met nice people
along the way. However, to my dismay, I can no longer earn through Webanswers
because I am required to have an active Adsense account there. Sadly, the site
currently does not offer any other means for users to earn besides Adsense.
Monday, October 10, 2011
The Asian Culture of Matchmaking
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Photo by Michal Marcol |
I am currently watching a Japanese series entitled “Shiawase
ni Narou yo.” It depicts the modern matchmaking processes utilized by the
Japanese people. The drama illustrates a company with an extraordinary
business. It has an office building with hardworking staffs, just like any
other normal company. The difference is with their business – matchmaking. Any
unmarried person could walk into their office and register as a member. He/she would fill out
a form and dictate the qualifications of his/her ideal partner. An assigned
staff would then be responsible to find the person a perfect match. He/she
would accompany the couple in their first date and arrange further dating
venues if they agreed to do so. In addition, the company also organizes parties for their
registered members. It works just like any online dating site, only that it is
more of a person-to-person interaction.
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Goodbye Google Adsense
On September 27, 2011, I was participating at a
question-and-answer website called Webanswers. Just like my usual morning, I
would go to the site’s homepage and browse through the questions there. I would
answer a couple or more questions that caught my interest. As soon as I shifted
to another window where my inbox was located, I saw the email from Google.
The title of the mail is: Google AdSense Account Disabled.
The following are the contents.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
A Simple Act for the Hungry People
Photo by DFID - UK Department for International Development | |
A malnourished child being treated near the border of Ethiopia with Somalia. |
I’ve recently read an article in Time magazine about the
plight of the Somalis. Due to the extensive drought in their area, they are
forced to leave their homes, bringing along all their family members and their
few possessions. It was like an exodus toward wilderness. Millions of Somalis
left their homes and went on to march somewhere. Many had died during the
exodus. The people had suffered from severe famine. Some
Monday, September 05, 2011
My Concept of Beauty
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What is beauty? There are many conceptions about beauty. Many
women are so obsessed about it. They would subscribe to fashion and beauty
magazines, hoping that they could learn some tips and advices on how to become
beautiful. They may also enjoy watching how-to videos on Youtube regarding
makeup and hairstyles. They are willing to spend a lot of money on hair,
cosmetics, clothes, shoes, accessories, and bags even when it would mean a huge
percentage of their paycheck.
But why do women love to be beautiful? Is it because of men?
Perhaps. (Related Article: How to Get a Guy to Love You.) Others have a more complicated reason beyond that. Women view beauty
as a symbol of status. Being more beautiful than the rest of the women means
they are superior.Women love competition. They want to look better than their
peers, friends, classmates, and office mates. Thursday, September 01, 2011
Frugal Shopping and Reading the Labels
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Choose your products wisely.
I came from a frugal family. Going to boutiques has been a
challenge to us. When we choose products, we not only consider the quality but
also the price. I remembered going to a boutique with my mom many years ago. I
was so happy to find a very cheap bottle of lotion. It was a buy one take one
commodity. I quickly showed it to my mom, but soon after
, she stopped me from placing it into the shopping basket. She told me the brand was an unknown one. Also, the lotion was manufactured in China. For some reasons, my mom was very apprehensive of products coming from China. It was way long before the melamine scare from dairy products or the infamous recall of China toys. (Read full article.)
, she stopped me from placing it into the shopping basket. She told me the brand was an unknown one. Also, the lotion was manufactured in China. For some reasons, my mom was very apprehensive of products coming from China. It was way long before the melamine scare from dairy products or the infamous recall of China toys. (Read full article.)
Monday, July 25, 2011
Dating in the Muslim World
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Illustration by cheerfulnuts |
I’ve read an article from Time magazine entitled In Pursuit of Romance. It was an eye-opening piece of writing. You can read the article here:
Basically, the article is about dating in Saudi Arabia. Men and women rarely mingle in public places. Most often, men and women are segregated in weddings, churches, or schools. That is why looking for a partner could be very difficult.
Monday, July 18, 2011
A Very Old Chinese Song
I was just doing some work on my laptop while my mother was watching TV in the same room when I suddenly heard some women from a variety show singing a familiar song I so often heard during my childhood years. Although the women couldn’t carry the tune so well, I got nostalgic by hearing the songs. I got curious and searched the title on Youtube. I found the name of the original singer.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Traffic Exchange Website
Soon after I started writing online, I discovered a traffic exchange website through my fellow writer and sister. The website is called Traffup. All you have to do is to register and post a maximum of 10 links to your articles and assign points to each article. The system is like this: each time you view another person’s website through Traffup, you earn points.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
My Dermatologist
I used to have a lot of pimples. My lack of knowledge on skin care had worsened my acne condition. I rubbed and scrubbed my face and overused topical medications. My skin was peeling so badly. But I endured all these unsightly marks thinking that acne is normal for teenagers. High school passed then came college. My skin became a bit better, as a friend suggested me to use soap with salicylic acid ingredient. However, my skin was still flaky and dry. Breakouts would still occur from time to time as college life was quite stressful. Now that I’m way beyond those teen years, I still get breakouts. It was only a few years ago that I decided to see a dermatologist. (Read full Article.)
Monday, June 13, 2011
The Truth About Sunscreens
Sunscreens are one of the protective measures you use against UV radiation. Having enough sun protection is a good way to slow down aging process as the sun's rays are one of the culprits why people get wrinkles and age spots. In fact, it is the best anti-aging product you could use! In addition, sunscreens contain UV filters to protect your from the harmful UV rays that increases your risks of skin cancer. However, a bottle of sunscreen might not be as helpful as it promises. (See full article.)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Journey to a Healthy Life
I’m not really a health buff. I don’t count calories. I don’t exercise regularly. And I eat a lot of meat. Not that I don’t care about my health. Who doesn’t want to be healthy? I just don’t want to pay too much attention to little details. And I am also guilty of some mistakes just like most of us. But you see, following a strict health plan is hard for most of us. Many people become frustrated when they break a rule. But come to think of it:: Why count calories when you can just opt for an overall balanced diet? Why exercise rigorously when you could just take a walk everyday? I once heard a friend say that she doesn’t want to have long life. For what’s the use of having a long life if it means having arthritis, heart conditions, or dementia? Not to mention being a burden to the family? But my friend is wrong. It’s not bad to have long life. What you don’t want to happen is to have an unhealthy life. If you have good health, you don’t have to worry about getting old. You won’t look that old too! Because being healthy makes you look and feel younger too. (Read full article.)
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