Friday, February 01, 2013

Journey to Happiness - Step #1: Organize Your Home

These past few weeks might be a tough one for many people. January blues following shortly after a jolly December. Perhaps the sadness may be due to the dullness of the month (in stark contrast with a festive previous month). Then it might even be a lot tougher to single people, especially now that the lovers' season is fast approaching. There are lots of factors why one might be blue right now. But instead of giving you reasons to believe that you should be sad too, I would instead focus on things that could make you happy. 

Join me in this series of blog posts where I too, search for happiness. Who doesn't want to be happy anyway? If you would love to share your own ideas, feel free to post a comment.
Journey to Happiness - Step #1: Organize Your Home

Maintain a clutter-free home. Source:
I've recently learned that there are two types of people: one who stops and smells the roses, and one who gets things done quickly. The first person loves reading a book and enjoys every page of it. The second person doesn't read from cover to cover, and would stop reading once he finds what he's looking for. Having learned this, I still believe that no matter where you belong between these two types, every little thing can still affect your mood. Even if you don't like to stop and smell the roses, the presence of the roses can still uplift your mood. 

So to me, happiness can be improved when you live in a nice home. Home is your refuge. You go daily to work, exposing yourself to a lot of stress. And to arrive in a home that is very disorganized is not something one would appreciate. Besides, being surrounded by a cluttered space would only add the much unwanted stress. Finding for some things in the midst of doing your task can in fact impede your productivity and waste a lot of your time. 

So why not allot a portion of your day for organizing your things at home? You may specify a certain day for general cleaning, and allot a few minutes regularly to maintain a clean and organized home. By organizing your stuffs, you'd get to feel more control in your life. And having a clutter-free home makes the place more enjoyable.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happiness, my friend, is something quite rare. How do you plan to achieve it?