Monday, February 11, 2013

Journey to Happiness - Step #2: Think of One Happy Thought Each Day

I remembered one of the topics I've learned from my Psychology classes about a form of therapy called Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy. It's about "fixing" a patient's illogical thoughts  to control his/her anxiety or neuroticism. Likewise, when it comes to happiness, a huge chunk of it comes from the way we think. As cliche as it may sound, it's all about our attitude.

Many times, we get sad because of the thoughts that pop in our head. It might be about a painful past. Or about the uncertainty of the future. It may also be about the present that isn't too favorable to us. Whatever the reasons we may have, we know that thinking about sad thoughts won't lead us to a solution. 

So, just for a change, whenever a sad thought strikes us, instead of allowing that thought to conquer our minds, let's try to push the thought away. Let's keep our minds busy by thinking of happy thoughts instead. Think about one good thing someone has done to you. Or about a memorable vacation. Reminisce about how you've met your spouse. Think about a very inspiring movie you've just watched. And so on. As you practice thinking happy things, you'll notice that it becomes easier for your mind to be more positive. And the habit of positive thinking becomes an effortless act.

So, what good thought popped in your head today?


Spence Wisely said...

Very inspiring. I do it in this manner. Every time I am lonely, I imagine a glass full of water. The water is the loneliness and the glass is me. Now, while visualizing it, I will imagine a stone that I add to the water. And as soon as the water spill out of the glass, my energy goes up and my adrenalin rises and I begin to become excited about what's ahead.

I like your blog. Hope you'd also like mine. By the way, I have joined you on your GFC :)

Unknown said...

Hi Gasto. You have a great attitude. I believe that attitude plays a huge part on one's happiness. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Hope you visit again.

Spence Wisely said...

Yeah, I will. Sometimes, we need to take a break. And reading other people's thought through their blogs has become my habit to recharge my own mind.

Tasha said...

Instead of pushing the negative thought away, I actually transform it into a positive one. That way there's no battle between your positive and negative thoughts :) Btw, nice blog :) :)