Although I am not that productive on Squidoo, I do log in to the site almost every day to check how my articles are faring. There is a page called the dashboard were writers can check the ranking of their lenses (or Squidoo articles). I have already written thirty plus lenses. I don't write that often, considering that I have other writing platforms to attend to; besides, online writing is only a side job of mine.

I like Squidoo very much. In fact, if you have read my old post about my writing journey, you will already know that I can't earn through Google Adsense anymore. Being banned from Adsense has significantly limited the writing platforms I can participate on. Thanks to Squidoo though, I can still earn through Adsense because they don't require writers to have individual accounts. I can earn through the site's Adsense earnings where they will distribute the pool accordingly depending on how our articles perform.
Read: Goodbye Google Adsense
Just a few weeks ago, Squidoo lensmasters (Squidoo writers) got the shock of their writing life by the announcement that appeared on the dashboard. It states:
"Big News! HubPages is acquiring key content from Squidoo, creating the largest site of its kind in the world..."
In short, Squidoo will be closing down. Each of us has to find a way to find our articles a new home.
I've been writing there for almost three years. Its existence has provided me great comfort after I lost my Google Adsense account. I will forever be thankful to Squidoo for serving us my home within that span of time. It's time that I have to move on. It's another hurdle that I have to overcome again. Wish me luck.
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